I frequently have these moments where I am struck with the realization of how blessed I am. It will be a moment where I'm sitting next to my husband on the couch and he reaches over and grips my leg for no reason as if to tell me he loves me, or a moment where I am having a blast photographing a client, or, even better, that moment where I am viewing the photographs from a session and knowing I really captured that person or relationship. It could also be a moment where I am playing with my niece and nephew and and they are fighting over who gets to play with me (that will not last forever) or I'm lucky enough to spend the evening with my wonderful brother, Devin, and his awesome wife, Liz, or I'm sitting on the couch wedged between my parents, just soaking up their love. I think I absorb love in a similar way to the process of osmosis. That would explain why I've been overflowing with it my whole life.
Last Saturday was a day full of moments where I was struck by my blessedness. I spent much of the day with one of my bestest best friends, Laura. We hiked (a valuable lesson in how out of shape I am) and went for a long drive through some country roads in Bloomington (maybe one of my favorite parts of the day), got coffee at Starbucks and sat at a wide table in the afternoon sun and talked (also with my wonderful husband) and topped off the night with Ron Burgundy and cupcakes. That was a day where I wished time would just slow down so I could relish in the slowness of it all. I wanted to relish the stretch of the week that lay before me, unbound by the structure of schedules and obligations.
This week has been amazing. I still have the weekend, but I am already starting to feel the faint tugs of sadness at the week's passing. It has been the first week since I got married where I didn't feel the constraint of deadlines, sickness, and stress. It has given me time to look inward and to pursue some of my other interests. My only regret is that my hometown is so far away. I am missing my family sorely, as this is the very first spring break where I haven't gone home. I can't help but feel that I've been missing out on some moments with my family, including my sweet, ever-changing niece and nephew.
I got the chance to test-drive a couple of new lenses and take some fun photos while Laura and I were hiking and driving on Satuday. I realized recently I don't take as many photographs "for fun" as I used to. It is funny how that happens when a passion becomes a career.
This photograph is an old barn that is resting out in the middle of a field. I wanted to get closer to it, but I figured I was already on someone's property taking random pictures, and some dog was barking somewhere and disturbing the pristine peace.

I just love old houses. This one was no exception.
Leaves are one of my greatest obsessions. I have leaf dishes, leaf jewelry, you name it. It is only fitting that I take lots of photographs of leaves in all of their states.
I don't know what it is about this photo, but I really love it. I like that you can start to see the green peeking through the leaves, as the cycle of life keeps its promise and the earth is again being reborn.
Happy St Patrick's Day! :)
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