It has been an exhausting, busy, great week and I'm so happy it is the weekend! I've got a lot of editing up ahead this coming week, but I'm hoping to make the best of the weekend! We kicked off the weekend with the new JJ Abrams movie, Super 8. Ever since I started my business, I find it hard to quit thinking about it. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep (and sometimes even in my dreams) I think about photography, and not just about the act of photographing: the business of photography. Spreadsheets and marketing and community relationships. I dream about what my studio would look like if I had one. I dream about the future. It is hard to go to sleep when you're so excited about your life. Anyway, I love seeing movies because it forces me to depart reality and get out of my own head for awhile. And Super 8 was great. It was the perfect balance of suspense, science fiction, and the lightheartedness of childhood. It had some beautiful relationships and characters.
After we had supper, I convinced Ayron to take a visit to the garden. I planted in a couple of spots where my seed didn't come up, and I weeded a bit. I think some of my lettuce is ready to eat! It has been SUCH a hot week, though, I'm concerned about it being bitter.
And, I harvested my first produce from the 2011 garden tonight, these beautiful French Breakfast radishes:

They are packing a bit of a punch, but that is partially due to the heat. I usually like my radishes a bit milder, but I can't wait to add them to salads and dip them in ranch. YUM! :)
Happy weekend everyone!
The photos make me feel as though perhaps I ought to get on over to the farmers' market soon.